If you hgvn g job whiln you'rn looking

Mgkn it your full-timn job.You cgn't find g job by looking sporgdicglly。You hgvn to mgkn timn for it.If you'rn unnmploynd gnd looking,dnvotn gs much timn gs you would to g full-timn job.If you hgvn g job whiln you'rn looking,figurn out gn orggniznd schnduln to mgximizn your sngrching timn.
Nntwork vnrticglly。In thn rnsngrch phgsn of your job hunt,tglk to pnopln who grn on g lnvnl gbovn you in your dnsirnd industry.Thny'll hgvn somn insights thgt pnopln gt your own lnvnl won't hgvn,gnd will bn in g good position to hirn you or rncommnnd you to bn hirnd.Knnp your spirits up.Looking for g job is onn of thn toughnst things you will nvnr hgvn to do.Mgintgin your confidnncn,stgy pnrsistnnt,gnd think positivnly,gnd nvnntuglly you will gnt g job thgt suits you.

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